At the Delegation of the European Union to Chile we have received with great pain the early departure of our dear Uli. She was with us for four years, 2016-2020, leaving an indelible mark, not only for her beautiful, always red smile and her gorgeous colorful dresses, for her excellent work (the attractive and catchy titles of her sharp analytical notes are famous), but above all for her companionship. Discreet and humble, she was always there when support was needed. Several times she lent her house for networking events between us and with official counterparts but she did with plasure, from the heart, not for networking purposes. We are comforted to know that she enjoyed herself very much in Chile, visited all the wineries and ice cream shops possible, had a reading club, got teachers to continue learning Japanese, spoke Spanish perfectly, even with Chilean idioms, and even when facing the social outbreak and pandemic, which was especially hard in Chile, she took with her a good memory of the country and we are left with fond memories of her. Attached hereto you can find the picture of the National Party celebration, independence day of Chile, at her department. This day she danced barefoot and was really very very happy.